Collection: Angel / Oracle Cards/ Rune Stones

Angel cards can either come in the format of Tarot cards or as Oracle cards.  In most Angel card decks, each card comes with a specific message.  When used in Tarot, they will have a particular message, plus the original meaning of the Tarot card along with it, creating a more complex reading, or messages from your angels.

Rune stones are an ancient proto-Germanic tradition dating back to potentially the 1st century AD.  They consist of a runic alphabet of 24 letters, usually made out of wood or stone that were used as a method of writing, fortune-telling, bindrunes and sigils.

Rune stones set of 25 stones, including 24 stones with engraved runic alphabet in gold lettering and one blank stone.

Runes can be used to help guide  you through problems or issues and help show you what is likely to happen, can also be used while in meditation, crystal healing.  

Angel / Oracle Cards/ Rune Stones